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Refereed publications
1. Jin Zhang, Y. Meurice, S.-W. Tsai, Truncation effects in dual representations of the O(2) model, second draft stage.
2. L. Hostetler, Jin Zhang, Ryo Sakai, J. Unmuth-Yockey, A. Bazavov, and Yannick Meurice, Clock model interpolation and symmetry breaking in O(2) models, second draft stage.
3. Erik Gustafson, Yingyue Zhu, Patrick Dreher, Norbert M. Linke, and Yannick Meurice, Real-time quantum calculations of phase shifts using wave packet time delays, preliminary version posted as arXiv:2103.06848.
4. Yannick Meurice, Ryo Sakai, and Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Tensor field theory with applications to quantum computing, e-Print: 2010.06539 [hep-lat], submitted to “Reviews of Modern Physics”, under revision.
5. Erik Gustafson, Patrick Dreher, Zheyue Hang, and Yannick Meurice, Benchmarking quantum computers for real-time evolution of a (1+1) field theory with error mitigation, submitted to “Quantum”, under revision.
6. Yannick Meurice, Making digital aquatint with the Ising model, submitted to the American Journal of Physics, under review.
7. Yannick Meurice, Quantum field theory: a quantum computation approach, 248 pages, Institute of Physics, Bristol, March 2019. 8. Y. Meurice, Discrete aspects of continuous symmetries in the tensorial formulation of Abelian gauge theories, Phys. Rev. D 102 (2020), 014506.
9. Jin Zhang, Y. Meurice, and S. -W. Tsai, Quantum Joule Expansion of One-Dimensional Systems, Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020), 033608.
10. N. Butt, S. Catterall, Y. Meurice, Ryo Sakai, J. Unmuth-Yockey, Tensor network formulation of the massless Schwinger model with staggered fermions, Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020), 094509.
11. Bs → K`ν, decay from lattice QCD, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A.X. El-Khadra, E.D. Freeland, E. Gmiz, Z. Gelzer, Steven Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, A.S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, Yuzhi Liu, P.B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E.T. Neil, J.N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R.S. Van de Water, and Ran Zhou (Fermilab Lattice and MILC Collaborations), Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019), 034501. 12. Y. Meurice, Examples of symmetry-preserving truncations in tensor field theory, arXiv 1903.01918, Phys.Rev. D100 014506 (2019).
13. Erik Gustafson, Yannick Meurice, and Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Quantum simulation of scattering in the quantum Ising model, Phys. Rev. D 99, 094503 (2019). 6 14. A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A. X. El-Khadra, E. D. Freeland, E. Gmiz, Z. Gelzer, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, Yuzhi Liu, P. B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E. T. Neil, J. N. Simone, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, Ran Zhou, Bs → Klν decay from lattice QCD, arXiv:1901.02561, Phys. Rev. D 100, 034501 (2019).
15. S. Foreman, J. Giedt, Y. Meurice and J. Unmuth-Yockey, Examples of renormalization group transformations for image sets, arXiv:1807.10250 [hep-lat], Phys. Rev. E 98, 052129 (2018).
16. J. Unmuth-Yockey, J. Zhang, A. Bazavov, Y. Meurice and S. W. Tsai, Universal features of the Abelian Polyakov loop in 1+1 dimension, arXiv:1807.09186 [hep-lat], Phys. Rev. D 98, 094511 (2018).
17. D. De Floor, E. Gustafson and Y. Meurice, Mass splittings in a linear sigma model for multiflavor gauge theories, arXiv:1807.05047 [hep-lat], Phys. Rev. D 98, 094509 (2018).
18. J. Zhang, J. Unmuth-Yockey, A. Bazavov, S.-W. Tsai and Y. Meurice, Quantum simulation of the universal features of the Polyakov loop, arXiv:1803.11166 [hep-lat], Phys. Rev. Letters 121, 223201 (2018).
19. Alexei Bazavov, Yannick Meurice, Shan-Wen Tsai, Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Li-Ping Yang, Jin Zhang, Estimating the central charge from the R´enyi entanglement entropy, arXiv:1703.10577, Phys. Rev. D 96, 034514 (2017).
20. J. Unmuth-Yockey, Jin Zhang, P.M. Preiss, Li-Ping Yang, S. -W. Tsai, Y. Meurice, Probing the conformal Calabrese-Cardy scaling with cold atoms, arXiv:1611.05016, Phys. Rev. A . 96 023603 (2017).
21. Li-Ping Yang, Yuzhi Liu, Haiyuan Zou, Z.Y. Xie, and Y. Meurice, Fine structure of the entanglement entropy in the O(2) model, Phys. Rev. E93, 012138 (2016).
22. Jon A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. M. Bouchard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, J. Komijani, A. S. Kronfeld, R. Jain, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, Yuzhi Liu, P.B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E. Neil, Si-Wei Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, and Ran Zhou, B → K`` decay form factors from three-flavor lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. D 93 025026 (2016).
23. Alexei Bazavov, Yannick Meurice, Shan-Wen Tsai, Judah Unmuth-Yockey, Jin Zhang, Gauge-invariant implementation of the Abelian Higgs model on optical lattices, Phys. Rev. D 92, 076003 (2015).
24. Jon A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. M. Bouchard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A. X. El-Khadra, E. D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, Yuzhi Liu, E. Lunghi, P.B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E. Neil, SiWei Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, and Ran Zhou, 7 B → π`` form factors for new-physics searches from lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 152002 (2015).
25. J. A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. Bouchard, C. DeTar, D. Du, A. X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E. D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U. M. Heller, A. S. Kronfeld, J. Komijani, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, Yuzhi Liu, P. B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E. T. Neil, S. Qiu, J. N. Simone, R. L. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R. S. Van de Water, and R. Zhou, |Vub| from B → π`ν decays and (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. D 92, 014024 (2015).
26. Haiyuan Zou, Yuzhi Liu, Chen-Yen Lai, J. Unmuth-Yockey, Li-Ping Yang, A. Bazavov, Z. Y. Xie, T. Xiang, S. Chandrasekharan, S.-W. Tsai, and Y. Meurice, Progress towards quantum simulating the classical O(2) model, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063603 (2014).
27. Alan Denbleyker, Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M.P. Qin, T. Xiang, Z.Y. Xie, J.F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou, Controlling sign problems in spin models using tensor renormalization, Phys. Rev. D89, 016008 (2014).
28. Ari Hietanen, Yannick Meurice and Rajamani Narayanan, Preface of the special issue Recent Nonperturbative Developments in QCD-like Theories, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 29, 1402005 (2014).
29. J.-F. Yu, Z.Y. Xie, Y. Meurice, Y. Liu, A. Denbleyker, H. Zou, M.P. Qin, J. Chen, and T. Xiang, Tensor renormalization group study of classical XY model on a square lattice, Phys. Rev. E 89 016008 (2014).
30. Y. Meurice, Accurate exponents from approximate tensor renormalizations, Phys. Rev. B87, 064422 (2013).
31. Yuzhi Liu, Y. Meurice, M.P. Qin, J. Unmuth-Yockey, T. Xiang, Z.Y. Xie, J.F. Yu, Haiyuan Zou, Exact blocking formulas for spin and gauge models, Phys. Rev. D 88, 056005 (2013).
32. Jon A. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C.M. Bouchard, C. DeTar, Daping Du, A.X. El-Khadra, J. Foley, E.D. Freeland, E. Gamiz, Steven Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, Jongjeong Kim, A.S. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, P.B. Mackenzie, Y. Meurice, E.T. Neil, M.B. Oktay, Si-Wei Qiu, J.N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint, R.S. Van de Water, and Ran Zhou, Refining new-physics searches in B → Dτν decay with lattice QCD, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 071802 (2012) (Editor’s Suggestion).
33. D. Du, A. Kronfeld, Y. Meurice, and the Fermilab Lattice and MILC Collaborations Bs → Ds/B → D Semileptonic form factor ratio and their application to BR(B0 s → µ +µ −), Phys. Rev. D85 114502, Erratum-ibid. D86 039904, 2012. 34. A. Bazavov, B. Berg, D. Du, and Y. Meurice Density of states and Fisher’s zeros in U(1) pure gauge theory, Phys. Rev. D85 056010, 2012.
35. Y. Liu, and Y. Meurice Lines of Fisher’s zeros as separatrices for complex renormalization group flows Phys. Rev. D 83: 09008, 2011. 8
36. Y. Meurice, R. Perry, and S.W. Tsai (Editors) New applications of the renormalization group in nuclear, particleand condensed matter physics (Theme Issue) Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A369: 2601-2799, 2011. Contains 10 invited contributions
37. Y. Meurice, R. Perry, and S.W. Tsai New applications of the renormalization group in physics: a brief introduction Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond .A369:2602-2611, 2011.
38. Y. Meurice, and H. Zou, Complex RG flows for 2D nonlinear O(N) sigma models, Phys. Rev. D83: 056009, 2011.
39. Denbleyker, D. Du, Y. Liu, Y. Meurice and H. Zou, Fisher’s zeros as boundary of renormalization group flows in complex coupling spaces, Phys. Rev.Lett. 104 (2010) 251601.
40. Y. Meurice, Dyson instability for 2D nonlinear O(N) sigma models, Phys. Rev.D80:054020, 2009.
41. A. Denbleyker, D. Du, Y. Liu, Y. Meurice and A. Velytsky, Series expansions of the density of states in SU(2) lattice gauge theory, Phys. Rev.D78:054503, 2008.
42. A. Denbleyker, D. Du, Y. Meurice and A. Velytsky, Fisher’s zeros of quasi-Gaussian densities of states, Phys. Rev. D 76, 116002, 2007.
43. Y. Meurice, Nonlinear Aspects of the Renormalization Group Flows of Dyson’s Hierarchical Model, Topical Review commissioned by the Editor, J. Phys. A, 40 R39-R102, 2007.
44. Y. Meurice, The Non-perturbative part of the plaquette in quenched QCD, Phys. Rev. D 74 096005, 2006.
45. J. J. Godina, L. Li, Y. Meurice and M. B. Oktay, High-accuracy critical exponents of O(N) hierarchical sigma models, Phys. Rev. D 73, 047701, 2006.
46. L. Li, and Y. Meurice, About a possible 3rd order phase transition at T = 0 in 4D gluodynamics, Phys. Rev. D 73 036006, 2006.
47. L. Li, and Y. Meurice, Asymptotically universal crossover in perturbation theory with a field cutoff, J. Phys. A, 39 8681-8698, 2006.
48. L. Li, and Y. Meurice, A tractable example of perturbation theory with a field cutoff: The anharmonic oscillator, J. Phys. A, 38, 8139–8153l, 2005.
49. L. Li, and Y. Meurice, An Example of Optimal Field Cut in Lattice Gauge Perturbation Theory, Phys. Rev. D 71, 054509 1-9, 2005.
50. L. Li, and Y. Meurice, Lattice Gluodynamics at Negative g 2 , Phys. Rev. D , 71, 016008 1-7, 2005.
51. Y. Meurice, and M. B. Oktay, Universality in Nontrivial Continuum Limits: a Model Calculation, Phys. Rev.D, 69, 125016 1-8, 2004. 9
52. Y. Meurice, Small Numerators Canceling Small Denominators of The High Temperature Scaling Variables: a Systematic Explanation in Arbitrary Dimensions, Phys. Rev.E, 69, 056108 1-10, 2004.
53. B. Kessler, L. Li, and Y. Meurice, New Optimization Methods for Converging Perturbative Series with a Field Cutoff, Phys. Rev.D 69: 045014 1-9, 2004.
54. Y. Meurice, Complex Singularities of the Critical Potential in the Large-N Limit, Phys. Rev. D 67, 025006 1-8, 2003.
55. Y. Meurice, Arbitrarily Accurate Eigenvalues for General Anharmonic Potentials, J. Phys. A 35 , 8831-8846, 2002.
56. Y. Meurice, Simple Method to Make Asymptotic Series of Feynman Diagrams converge, Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 141601 1-4, 2002.
57. Y. Meurice, and S. Niermann, From Nonlinear Scaling Variables to Critical Amplitudes, Jour. Stat. Phys., 108, 213-246, 2002.
58. Y. Meurice, Small Denominators Cancelling Small Numerators: Is Dyson’s Hierarchical Model Solvable? Phys. Rev. E 63, 055101 1-4 (Rapid Communication), 2001.
59. Y. Meurice, and B. Oktay, Non-Gaussian Errors versus Mass Hierarchy, Phys. Rev. D 63, 016005 1-11, 2001.
60. J. J Godina, Y. Meurice, and B. Oktay, Hyperscaling in the Broken Symmetry Phase of Dyson’s Hierarchical Model, Phys. Rev. D 61, 114509 1-11, 2000.
61. Y. Meurice, and S. Niermann, Non-Universal Quantities From Dual RG Transformations, Phys. Rev. E 60, 2612 1-4, 1999.
62. J. J Godina, Y. Meurice, and B. Oktay, High-Accuracy Calculation of the Critical Exponents of Dyson’s Hierarchical Model, Phys. Rev. D 59, 096002 1-13, 1999.
63. J. J Godina, Y. Meurice, and B. Oktay, Accurate Checks of Universality for Dyson’s Hierarchical Model, Phys. Rev. D 57, R6581 1-4 (Rapid Communication), 1998.
64. J. J Godina, Y. Meurice, and S. Niermann, A Check of a D=4 Field-Theoretical Calculation Using the High-Temperature Expansion for Dyson’s Hierarchical Model, Nucl. Phys. B 519, 737-755, 1998.
65. J. J Godina, Y. Meurice, S. Niermann, and B. Oktay, A Guide to Precision Calculations in Dyson’s Hierarchical Scalar Field Theory, Phys. Rev. D 57, 6326-6336, 1998. 66. Y. Meurice, S. Niermann, and G. Ordaz, The Oscillatory Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Model: A Renormalization Group Analysis, Jour Stat.Phys. 87, 363-383, 1997.
67. Y. Meurice, and G. Ordaz, A Two-Parameter Recursion Formula for Scalar Field Theory, Jour.Phys. A 29, L635-L638, 1996 (Letter to the Editor). 10
68. Y. Meurice, and G. Ordaz, The Elusive Asymptotic Behavior of the High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Ising Model, Jour Stat.Phys.82, 343-365, 1996.
69. Y. Meurice, G. Ordaz, and V.G.J. Rodgers, Evidence for Complex Subleading Exponents from the High-Temperature Expansion of Dyson’s Hierarchical Ising Model, Phys. Rev. Lett.75, 4555-4558, 1995.
70. B. Bacus, Y. Meurice, and A. Soemadi, Precise Determination of the Energy Levels of the Anharmonic Oscillator from the Quantization of the Angle Variable, Jour. Phys. A 28, L381-L385, 1995 (Letter to the Editor).
71. Y. Meurice, The High-Temperature Expansion of the Hierarchical Ising Model: from Poincar´e Symmetry to an Algebraic Algorithm, Jour. Math. Phys. 36, 1812-1824 1995.
72. Y. Meurice, G. Ordaz, and V.G.J. Rodgers, A Numerical Study of the Hierarchical Ising Model, High Temperature Versus Epsilon Expansion, Jour Stat.Phys. 77, 607- 626, 1994.
73. Y. Meurice, Duality in Long Range Ferromagnets, Jour. Math. Phys. 35, 769-779, 1994.
74. Y. Meurice, Remarks Concerning Polyakov’s Conjecture for the 3D Ising Model and the Hierarchical Approximation, Modern Phys. Lett. A7, 3331-3336, 1992.
75. Y. Meurice, Symanzik’s Field Theory on p-adic Spaces, Phys. Lett. B 265, 377-381, 1991.
76. J. L. Lucio and Y. Meurice, Asymptotic Properties of Random Walks on p-adic Spaces, Modern Phys. Lett. A6, 1199-1120, 1991.
77. Y. Meurice, A Discretization of p-Adic Quantum Mechanics, Commun. Math. Phys. 135, 303-312, 1991.
78. Y. Meurice, A Path Integral Formulation of p-adic Quantum Mechanics, Phys. Lett. B 245, 99-104, 1990.
79. Y. Meurice, Quantum Mechanics with p-adic Numbers, Intern’l. J. Mod. Phys. A 4, 5133-5147, 1989.
80. Y. Meurice, The Classical Harmonic Oscillator on Galois and p-adic Fields, Intern’l. J. Mod. Phys. A 4, 2211-2233, 1989.
81. D. Amati, K. Konishi, Y. Meurice, G. C. Rossi and G. Veneziano, Nonperturbative Effects in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, Phys. Reports 162, 169-248, 1988.
82. Y. Meurice, Restrictions on τ → ηπν in Two Higgs Doublet Models, Phys. Rev. D 36, 2780-2787, 1987. 11
83. Y. Meurice, Breaking the Axial U(1) does not Enhance Second Class Decays, Modern Phys. Lett. A 2, 699-706, 1987.
84. C. K. Zachos and Y. Meurice, Review of Theoretical Expectations for τ → ηπν, Modern Phys. Lett. A 2, 247-250, 1987.
85. Y. Meurice, From Points to Gauge Fields, Phys. Lett. B 186, 189-194, 1987.
86. Y. Meurice, About the Uniqueness of Covariant String Field Theory, Phys. Lett. B 173, 257-261, 1986.
87. Y. Meurice, Gauge-Fixing in Covariant String Field Theory, Nucl. Phys B276, 325-338, 1986.
88. D. Amati, Y. Meurice, G. C. Rossi and G. Veneziano, Massive SQCD and the Consistency of Instanton Calculations, Nucl. Phys. B263, 591-607, 1986.
89. Y. Meurice, Instanton Calculus with Majorana Fermions, Phys. Lett. 164B, 141-144, 1985.
90. Y. Meurice, Un Exemple de Brisure Dynamique des Supersymetries, These de Doctorat (Ph.D.), Louvain-la-Neuve, 1985.
91. Y. Meurice and G. Veneziano, Susy Vacua Versus Chiral Fermions, Phys. Lett. 141B, 69-72, 1984.
92. J. M. Gerard, J. Govaerts, Y. Meurice and J. Weyers, Supersymmetric Preon Models, Nucl. Phys. B234, 138-172, 1984.
93. Y. Meurice, Phenomenologically Compatible Solutions to ’t Hooft Equations for Composite Models, Phys. Lett. 128B, 393-396, 1983.
94. J. M. Gerard, J. Govaerts, Y. Meurice and J. Weyers, Towards Supersymmetric Subconstituent Models, Phys. Lett. 116B, 29-33, 1982.
95. J. Govaerts and Y. Meurice, Anomalies, Decoupling and Five Preons Composites, Phys. Lett. 119B, 131-135, 1982.
96. Y. Meurice, Calcul des Amplitudes associ´ees aux Diagrammes Penguin, Annales de la Societ´e Scientifique de Bruxelles T.96, 28-37, 1982.